computer games

Are computer games good for children health?

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Games have significantly positive and negative impacts but social and physical activities are important for good health and calm mind set. Meanwhile, in latest technology child love to use tablets, phones and computers and they like to play games on computer. But here is the point are computer games good for children health. Here are many points on the behalf of this which I would love to describe in detail.

Benefits of Computer games

  • First point is it is good for the create emotions in the children mind and create competition skills that they need to win this game. Moreover, fear also develop in the mind if they will loss the game then how they will react it creates curiously in their mind which is good for health. Due to this they learn how to survive and react in different conditions.
  • Good and useful computer games change their mood conditions, reduce stress or anxiety and impacts positively on their mind.
  • Socialism also becomes their habit after playing computer games.
  • In now a day there are many puzzles games which helps to create creativity skills and after solving those puzzles problem solving habit appear in them.

But it becomes dangerous as well if children play games all the times and not do any other activities. For good health and maintained both in door and out door activities are important in life. If only perform one activity all the time, then at this a condition this will cause many problems for children and creates health issues. Here I would like to describe some drawbacks also:

Drawbacks of playing computer games for children health

  • When children play games every time it reduces the power of mind focus, it means they will not able to focus properly on any other activities every time they will think about games and activities which they observed during that time which creates many problems in future.
  • Now a days many threats, hacking, bullying, politics and sexual games on platforms. If a children have no idea about them then it will impact negative on their mind and they will face some unusual or spam activities.
  • These short temper or harsh games divert the children mind and it creates fear, sexual assault in the mind of children at that time children behavior becomes annoying and bad.
  • One of the major drawbacks is due to the continuous use of computers its rays reduce the visibility of eyes and in future this will change into weak eyesight issues.

Safety Measures

  • Parents must take special care of their children and guide them properly which games are good for them and set a particular time for playing.
  • Another thing is parents must make a schedule of their activities like in the shape of studies, indoor games, outdoor games, spending times with parents and siblings. It makes positive impacts on their brain and they learn many things by adopting those rules in their life.
  • Moreover, in this fast technology parents must focus on their activities what’s going on their life and guide them stay away from unusual activities, don’t open any link or any game which looks like spammy and unusual. It helps to prevent their children from any fraud, or bad social activity.
  • It is parent’s responsibility to ensure that their childrens must be well aware about wellhealth ayurvedic health tips


Playing games have significantly good for physical and mental health but the condition is everything must be according to the proper schedule and time. If children play games all the time, then they face many mental issues in the future and no other activity will develop in them. At every occasion parent must guide them properly about everything so they feel good and learn different things. I hope the above key points and information is useful for the readers. In case of any issue or question you can reach us any time. Thanks.

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